so i have been thinking about it deeply these days.

modi andhabhakts like my father say-

congress manipulated the athletes.

congress manipulated the farmers.

congress manipulated the punjabis.

congress manipulates the muslims.

basically, anyone who isnt in alignment with their love of modi, they have been manipulated by congress.

i am not telling you this because i want to have a debate on politics. this article is, surprisingly, on human nature.

while remembering what i read yesterday in the laws of human nature (reference course on human nature), it just struck me.

what if we shift the narrative of half the country being manipulated by congress, and shift the focus onto modi himself?

isnt he the one manipulating people?

lets analyze some more proofs-

  1. who is the charming and charismatic one here? not rahul gandhi.
  2. who is the eloquent orator?
  3. who has the control over all the media and pr in the country?
  4. who is alleging that the whole world is lying about the falling statistics of the indian progress?
  5. who is trying to hide the data in favour of simply false indian pride?

these all points just go on to teach us a wonderful lesson about the human nature.

if we cast an eye of suspicion on someone, and blame them for being malinfluenced by someone, its better to take a good look at ourselves.

it is entirely possible that we are the ones being influenced, given the fragile human nature.

By aurora lexica

hello! i am a proud suicide survivor, and i also have borderline personality disorder. for those of you who dont know it, its a mental health disorder. my life seem all drab and depressive, but it is in fact a gift i appreciate daily (and rue rarely). because even if i have a disorder, i am much more than that. it is my aim in life to make this world a better place for people suffering with mental health issues, and make the suicide count 0. additionally, i have experience guiding people through hard times, even saving a life or 2. all in a day's work (jkjk).

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